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Monday, January 23, 2012

Where tranquility is for me.

Where tranquility is for me is in my room with my earphones on, I know the definition is quiet or repose, but a related words are also  calmnesscomposureequanimity and when I have on my earphones on it tunes out everything so in a way it is quiet to me because I cannot hear anything.

Where is tranquility for me?

Tranquility for me is in my bedroom on the computer or listening to my favorite music. This location is tranquil because it is very peaceful and I can go there there whenever I want peace and quiet.

Monday, January 9, 2012

What I want to know about Romeo & Juliet

In Romeo and Juliet I would like to know how Juliet dies and what Romeo does after to ind another love.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012



My Horrible Christmas

On Christmas break I went to my cousin Sydney's house in Virginia. Over there we went to go grocery shopping. It was very very boring. We also stayed at home and watched boring shows. I regret going over there. On Christmas day I was crying the whole day. I was crying because I didnt get what I wanted at my house. Then I went over my grandmothers house my granddad came downstairs with a camera called the sony bloggie duo. I did not want that camera. I wanted the sony bloggie touch. Actually, before Christmas Day, my mother and I were debating about which one was better. Obviously the touch camera was. So when he came down I asked if it was mine and he said no. And I was like yes it is and he was like you wanted the touch and they were sold out. And then he was like Yea, They WERE. I Was extremely mad and then he said im sorry and he went into the cabinet and said this one is yours! I was happy for the rest of the day!

Happy new year !!!

Although our new year is wonderful because we should be able to be happy to celebrate another year with the people we love and just the thrill of reliving the good memories of the year.So what  was your new years resolution???Think about it is it the same as last year is it different do you even have a new years resolution ,but just make sure it is something that you know you can promise to yourself and you can stick to it.

Thinking .....Thinking ......Thinking .............LIGHTBULB!!!