- the quality or condition of being interdependent, or mutually reliant on each other: Globalization of economies leads to an ever-increasing interdependence of countries.
- 1. easy and sprightly in manner or bearing: to walk with a jaunty step.
- 2. smartly trim, as clothing: a jaunty hat.
1. reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes.
2. distinction or reputation attaching to a person or thing and thus possessing a cachet for others or for the public: The new discothèque has great prestige with the jet set.
3.( often initial capital letter
) the period (1920–33) when the Eighteenth Amendment was in force and alcoholic beverages could not legally be manufactured, transported, or sold in the U.S.
4. a law or decree that forbids.
2. a demand made.
3. an authoritative or formal demand for something to be done, given, supplied, etc.: The general issued a requisition to the townspeople for eight trucks.
4. a written request or order for something, as supplies.
1. the development and application of sanitary measures for the sake of cleanliness, protecting health, etc.
2. the disposal of sewage and solid waste.
2. counsel, advice, or caution.
3. a gentle reproof.
4. a warning or reproof given by an eccleslastical authority
2. attracting special attention, as by outstanding qualities or eccentricities: He was conspicuous by his booming laughter.
1. very cold in temperature: a frigid climate.
2.without warmth of feeling; without ardor or enthusiasm: a frigid reaction to the suggested law.
3.stiff or formal: a welcome that was polite but frigid.
4.inhibited in the ability to experience sexual excitement during sexual activity.
unresponsive to sexual advances or stimuli.
5. unemotional or unimaginative; lacking passion, sympathy, or sensitivity: a correct, but frigid presentation.
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