Ralph Lauren
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Saturday, December 24, 2011
Purr - Katy Perry Fragance (Teaser)
purr be your inner kitty with the latest from katy perry
(and you can only find your fashion tips here on JC kILLER FASHION)
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Winter In Wonderland!
Today is the feature presentation so we can seem intelligent,calm ourselves,be who we wanna be by just being sassy,and much more is comming from our trip to The North Pole and our journey through Winter In Wonderland today for WMSG'S FALL PERFORRMANCE.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Say your goodbyes because our dear friend Nandi is leaving for New Jersey and she is not comming back and she will be missed.
-dedication to Nandi
-dedication to Nandi
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Censorship is something enforced by either the fcc or the government. They use it to take out or block any bad lyrics or graphics. I personally think anything bad should be censored because sometimes young children (who dont have any business) watch anything that they think is interesting.
Anything bad should be censored. Whether its music or TV. For example, certain songs like Big Sean's Dance. He uses alot of innapropriate words in that song and some people listen to that type of music and get that song in their head and sing it when ever it comes to mind, and it may not be the time and place for it. Even when you listen to the clean versions of song and they take out any bad words, most people already get the concept of it. A TV show that should really be censored more is the Bad Girls Club. They show alot of offensive graphics and use alot of bad words. Thats why it should be censored.
Most people dont think things should be censored because they think we have freedom of speech and free will. If they have freedom of speech they should atleast express themselves in a different way. They shouldnt use bad language because children are probably around and when they grow up they may want to imitate.
If I am for censorship once again because more things should be censored for the sake of others.
Anything bad should be censored. Whether its music or TV. For example, certain songs like Big Sean's Dance. He uses alot of innapropriate words in that song and some people listen to that type of music and get that song in their head and sing it when ever it comes to mind, and it may not be the time and place for it. Even when you listen to the clean versions of song and they take out any bad words, most people already get the concept of it. A TV show that should really be censored more is the Bad Girls Club. They show alot of offensive graphics and use alot of bad words. Thats why it should be censored.
Most people dont think things should be censored because they think we have freedom of speech and free will. If they have freedom of speech they should atleast express themselves in a different way. They shouldnt use bad language because children are probably around and when they grow up they may want to imitate.
If I am for censorship once again because more things should be censored for the sake of others.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Working For Civil Rights
Gandhi met with racism as soon as he got to South Africa, which was a part of the British empire, which was ruled by white people. Gandhi had dark skin, and because of his color he was thrown out of a first-class train car, even though he had a ticket. He was beaten when he refused to give up his seat.
Read more:
"A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people."
~Mohandas Gandhi
Read more:
Gandhi was a great leader who India from British rule to self-rule and, because of his actions he became one of the greatest leaders in the world. His name Mohandas Gandhi, but the poor called him Mohatma which means great soul.
Traditional Ways
This section of our Read for Real (on pg. 54) states Gandhi's religion and how his family was very religious.Like his mother was very traditional and expected him to actually follow the traditional ways of the Hindu Religion, but instead his family decided to send him to London to study law.And little did he know that he was going to use that knowledge to protest and save India.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Ms. Humphries' Blog
Ms. Humphries blog is there to help us when we need it. It tells the homework and also helps us with our writing assignments. She knows we forget things so she tells us to visit the blog.
Posted by: Jannah J.
Posted by: Jannah J.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Dose jonas enjoy his new assignment????
Jonas dose not enjoy his new assignment because he still questions himself about wether to like it or not to like it.He questions wether he is right for this job.
1. How does color help you to fully percieve the world?
It helps you percieve the world fully because it lets you learn things better and teach others.
2. Why is color unimportant?
Color is unimportant because sometimes you dont always need color to percieve certain things in this world. It is also unimportant because not everyone sees every color.
Posted by: Jannah Johnson
It helps you percieve the world fully because it lets you learn things better and teach others.
2. Why is color unimportant?
Color is unimportant because sometimes you dont always need color to percieve certain things in this world. It is also unimportant because not everyone sees every color.
Posted by: Jannah Johnson
The reciever.......
The recievers job is to take memeories and keep them away from the peeople in the community.From color to history Jonas has to take it away and know it all.
Color to the author.
Color to the author is how a author writes it is how they may think but there is always color,even if it is used in different wouds there is color somewere.
Dose Color Matter???
Yes color matters because without color we would all have the same perspective of things.Like red would just be something there and that is all it would be.It wouldn't be "this is my favorite color because there wouldn't be color.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
VOCAB. 11/15/11
- the quality or condition of being interdependent, or mutually reliant on each other: Globalization of economies leads to an ever-increasing interdependence of countries.
- 1. easy and sprightly in manner or bearing: to walk with a jaunty step.
- 2. smartly trim, as clothing: a jaunty hat.
1. reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes.
2. distinction or reputation attaching to a person or thing and thus possessing a cachet for others or for the public: The new discothèque has great prestige with the jet set.
3.( often initial capital letter
) the period (1920–33) when the Eighteenth Amendment was in force and alcoholic beverages could not legally be manufactured, transported, or sold in the U.S.
4. a law or decree that forbids.
2. a demand made.
3. an authoritative or formal demand for something to be done, given, supplied, etc.: The general issued a requisition to the townspeople for eight trucks.
4. a written request or order for something, as supplies.
1. the development and application of sanitary measures for the sake of cleanliness, protecting health, etc.
2. the disposal of sewage and solid waste.
2. counsel, advice, or caution.
3. a gentle reproof.
4. a warning or reproof given by an eccleslastical authority
2. attracting special attention, as by outstanding qualities or eccentricities: He was conspicuous by his booming laughter.
1. very cold in temperature: a frigid climate.
2.without warmth of feeling; without ardor or enthusiasm: a frigid reaction to the suggested law.
3.stiff or formal: a welcome that was polite but frigid.
4.inhibited in the ability to experience sexual excitement during sexual activity.
unresponsive to sexual advances or stimuli.
5. unemotional or unimaginative; lacking passion, sympathy, or sensitivity: a correct, but frigid presentation.
Top Stores for Juniors
1. Charlotte Russe
2. Wet Seal
3. Hollister
4. Abercrombie & Fitch
5. H&M
6. Forever 21
7. Zara
8. Macys
9. Tillys
10. Pink by Victorias Secret
11. Express
12. Urban Outfitters
13. Pac Sun
14. Delias
15. Aeropostale
16. American Eagle
17. Ralph Lauren
18. Juicy Coture
19. Journeys
20. Hottopic
2. Wet Seal
3. Hollister
4. Abercrombie & Fitch
5. H&M
6. Forever 21
7. Zara
8. Macys
9. Tillys
10. Pink by Victorias Secret
11. Express
12. Urban Outfitters
13. Pac Sun
14. Delias
15. Aeropostale
16. American Eagle
17. Ralph Lauren
18. Juicy Coture
19. Journeys
20. Hottopic
the giver 11/15/11
Today jonas has seen his possible new station and has told the guard that he may not be the giver but the guard tells him once more that he is the giver.(in a whisper as nothing can change the fact he has been picked at his twelve cerimony even though he has seen others training.)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Giver
1.) What is Jonas' assignment?
The Receiver Of Memory.
2.)What are the rules for this assignment?
You can lie, you go after school hours, you can be rude, and do not discuss your assignment with others.
3.)How does Jonas feel about the rules?
He feels confused about them.
4.)What are your feelings or thoughts regarding Jonas' assignment and the assignment rules?
My feelings are also confused.
Posted by: Jannah J.
The Receiver Of Memory.
2.)What are the rules for this assignment?
You can lie, you go after school hours, you can be rude, and do not discuss your assignment with others.
3.)How does Jonas feel about the rules?
He feels confused about them.
4.)What are your feelings or thoughts regarding Jonas' assignment and the assignment rules?
My feelings are also confused.
Posted by: Jannah J.
the giver 11/14/11
today jonas was confused about wether to be proud about his new asignment or to be scared.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Chapter 7 is mainly about when Jonas goes to his twelve ceremony. Jonas thinks that they have skipped him, but he starts to question himself and say, "What could I have done wrong?" (As a class we think in this "suburb" everything is supposed to be perfect and in perfect order, so this couldn't be right.) But we soon find out that Jonas has been assigned to be memory keeper or as we know it, "The Giver." Jonas has to process all this, knowing he didn't do any thing wrong but this is a very important "JOB."
The Giver 11/9/11
the giver had exciting twist when jonas gets aroused for fiona and his parents give him the pill and he realizes his friend asher takes this pill to, jonas stars to question more and more.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The Giver
The giver a boy who has been taking everything that he dose and everything that the government says they have to do in perspective.He starts to gets answers and gets himself into a lot of trouble.
Monday, November 7, 2011
#1 Post!
Welcome to our blog! Our blog will talk about wmsg, critiques, trends and, world fashions. Hope you check out our blog and find it interesting! Ta-Ta for now!
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